Product Details

Enhance your aquarium with Egeria Densa. This fast-growing, hardy plant provides excellent oxygenation, natural beauty, and shelter for your aquatic pets.

Detailed Description:

  • Overview:

    • Egeria Densa, also known as Anacharis or Brazilian Waterweed, is a popular and versatile aquarium plant known for its rapid growth and ease of care. Native to South America, this hardy plant is widely used by aquarists for its ability to oxygenate the water, reduce algae growth, and provide natural beauty and habitat for fish and invertebrates.
  • Appearance:

    • Egeria Densa features bright green, feathery leaves that grow in whorls around a central stem. The plant can reach impressive lengths, creating a lush, dense backdrop in the aquarium. Its vibrant green color and fast growth make it an attractive choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.
  • Water Conditions:

    • Temperature: Egeria Densa thrives in a temperature range of 60°F to 82°F (15°C to 28°C).
    • pH Level: The ideal pH range for this plant is between 6.5 and 7.5, making it suitable for slightly acidic to neutral water.
    • Water Hardness: It prefers soft to moderately hard water, with a general hardness (dGH) of 4-18.
    • Lighting: Moderate to high lighting is ideal for Egeria Densa. While it can tolerate low light conditions, providing moderate to high light will promote faster growth and denser foliage.
  • Tank Setup:

    • Substrate: Egeria Densa does not require a nutrient-rich substrate, as it absorbs nutrients directly from the water column. It can be planted in gravel or sand or left to float freely in the water.
    • Flow: This plant prefers moderate water flow to ensure nutrients are evenly distributed and to prevent detritus from settling on the leaves.
    • CO2 and Fertilization: While not necessary, adding CO2 supplementation and liquid fertilizers can enhance growth and overall health. This is particularly beneficial in high-light setups.
  • Maintenance Level:

    • Easy: Egeria Densa is known for its hardiness and low maintenance requirements. It grows rapidly, which means it may need regular trimming to prevent it from overtaking the tank.
    • Pruning: Regular pruning is essential to keep the plant from becoming too dense and blocking light to other plants. Trim the stems back with sharp scissors and replant the cuttings to propagate.
    • Propagation: Egeria Densa propagates easily from cuttings. Simply cut a healthy stem segment and plant it in the substrate or let it float. The cuttings will quickly develop roots and grow into new plants.
  • Fishes That Love This Plant:

    • Livebearers (Guppies, Mollies, Platies): Egeria Densa provides excellent cover and breeding grounds for livebearers, offering protection for fry.
    • Tetras: Small schooling fish like tetras enjoy swimming through the dense foliage of Egeria Densa, which offers shelter and security.
    • Betta Fish: Betta fish appreciate the natural cover and resting spots provided by the plant, which helps reduce stress.
    • Goldfish: While goldfish are known to nibble on plants, Egeria Densa grows quickly enough to withstand occasional grazing.
    • Shrimp and Snails: Freshwater shrimp and snails thrive in tanks with Egeria Densa, as it offers surfaces for biofilm growth and hiding spots.
  • Benefits:

    • Oxygenation: Egeria Densa is excellent at oxygenating the water, which benefits fish and other aquatic life by maintaining healthy oxygen levels.
    • Algae Control: This plant competes with algae for nutrients, helping to reduce algae growth in the aquarium.
    • Water Quality: Egeria Densa absorbs nitrates and other pollutants from the water, contributing to improved water quality.
    • Natural Habitat: The dense growth of Egeria Densa provides shelter and breeding grounds for fish and invertebrates, promoting a more natural and balanced ecosystem.
  • Conclusion:

    • Egeria Densa is a versatile and visually appealing plant that can thrive in a variety of aquarium setups. Its rapid growth, ease of care, and numerous benefits make it an ideal choice for aquarists of all experience levels. Whether you are looking to improve water quality, reduce algae, or provide natural cover for your fish, Egeria Densa is a reliable and attractive addition to any aquarium.

Egeria Densa

SGD 3.00

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Egeria Densa


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