Product Details
One of a kind
There is no doubt that the Fishguard is a one of a kind. There is no product with
comparable features whatsoever. The Fishguard is designd with a strong focus on the
"less is more" mentality, which ensures that the product is exactly what aquarium fanatics
need, and want.
Although the Fishguard does not cover the entire tank, it makes sure that the fish are safe
inside, and won#@#t be able jump out as easy as they would before.
How and Why it works
When a fish startles because of an aggressor in its direct surroundings, the fish tends to flee its environment. This fleeing always happens in the direction that is most logical to the fish: Horizontal, away from the source of aggression. Then the fish bumps into the glass, it is invisible to them, especially when they are in stress. After bumping into the glass, the only way to escape is up.
After studying this behavior of the fish, it became clear that a minimalistic solution would be suffice, which stops the fish, with extreme effectiveness (95%), in the area where they are most likely to hop from the aquarium. Hence the Fi
FishGuard Specs
Below we have included an important selection of product features. Important that you know what you can expect.
Our product is universal: It fits most square aquariums available in the market. The glass thicknesses that are suitable for the Fishguard: 6 mm | 8mm | 10mm |12mm
It fits most red sea reefers, (except for the 450 model because of the 15mm glass), Diamonds and Aqua Medic aquariums.
Aquarium requirements to fit the Fishguard:
Must contain 4 x a 90 degree corner
Glass thickness (or a combination) of: 6 mm | 8mm | 10mm |12mm
Suitable for type of aquarium:
Fresh water
Salt water
Brackish water
Prevents fish from jumping out of the aquarium*
Requires no maintenance after installation
Best price:quality ratio
Clean look, straight design
Great solution for aquarium cable management!
Mesh included: 5 meters (enough for all tanks with up to 12mm glass)
Installation manual included
Product Options
Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Specialized Aquatic Solutions Bukit Timah