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5cm - 5cm



"Discover the captivating Corydoras sp. C053, a stunning addition to your aquarium. With vibrant colors and playful nature, it's a must-have!"

Detailed Description:

Introducing Corydoras sp. C053:

- Are you seeking a captivating and vibrant addition to your aquarium? Look no further than the Corydoras sp. C053, an exquisite and playful species that will bring life and color to your aquatic paradise. With its unique appearance and delightful behavior, this Corydoras species is a must-have for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Let's dive into the detailed description to explore their specific requirements and care guidelines.

Water Conditions:

- Temperature: Corydoras sp. C053 thrives in water temperatures ranging from 72°F to 79°F (22°C to 26°C). Maintaining a consistent temperature within this range is crucial for their overall well-being.
- pH Level: Ideally, the water should have a slightly acidic to neutral pH, ranging between 6.2 and 7.2. Regular monitoring of the pH level is necessary to ensure a stable environment.
- Water Hardness: Corydoras sp. C053 prefers water with moderate to soft hardness, ranging from 2 to 12 dGH. Adequate water hardness can be achieved through the use of appropriate additives or by selecting the right source water.
- Filtration: Good filtration is essential to maintain excellent water quality. Consider using a gentle filter that won't create strong currents, as these fish prefer calmer waters.

Tank Mates:

- Corydoras sp. C053 is a peaceful and sociable species, making them excellent community tank inhabitants. However, it's crucial to choose tank mates that share similar temperament and water requirements. Some suitable tank mates for Corydoras sp. C053 include:
  - Small tetras (e.g., Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras)
  - Dwarf Gouramis
  - Livebearers (e.g., Guppies, Platies)
  - Other peaceful Corydoras species

Feeding Habit:

- Corydoras sp. C053 are omnivorous and have a hearty appetite. Their diet should consist of a balanced combination of high-quality flake or pellet food, supplemented with live or frozen foods to mimic their natural diet. Suitable food options include:
  - Specially formulated Corydoras pellets or flakes
  - Bloodworms
  - Daphnia
  - Brine shrimp
  - Vegetable matter (e.g., blanched spinach or cucumber)
  - It's important to feed them small amounts multiple times a day to prevent overeating and to maintain optimal health.

Care and Maintenance:

- Providing suitable care is essential for the well-being of Corydoras sp. C053. Here are some key care guidelines to follow:
  - Aquarium Size: A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended to accommodate a small school of Corydoras sp. C053. Remember, larger tanks provide a more stable environment and ample swimming space.
  - Substrate: A soft, sandy substrate is preferable, as it mimics their natural habitat and allows them to sift through the substrate in search of food.
  - Hiding Places: Incorporate plenty of hiding spots like caves, driftwood, and plants to create a secure environment. They will appreciate these retreats when they feel the need to rest or hide.
  - Water Quality: Regular water changes of around 20% every one to two weeks are necessary to maintain excellent water quality. This helps prevent the buildup of toxins and keeps the fish healthy.
  - Observation and Monitoring: Pay attention to any changes in behavior, appetite, or physical appearance. Timely detection of any issues allows for

 prompt intervention and treatment, if required.

In summary, the Corydoras sp. C053 is a captivating and vibrant fish species that adds a touch of liveliness to any aquarium. With their playful nature, peaceful temperament, and striking colors, they are sure to become the focal point of your underwater world. By providing them with optimal water conditions, suitable tank mates, and a well-balanced diet, you can ensure their happiness and longevity. Don't miss out on the opportunity to include these charming Corydoras in your aquatic collection.

Corydoras sp. C053

SGD 24.00

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