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Product Details
6cm - 7cm
- The Albino Corydoras, a captivating variety of the popular Corydoras catfish, is a delightful addition to any aquarium. Recognized by its albino coloration and playful demeanor, this catfish adds a unique charm to freshwater tanks. Let's explore the key aspects of caring for Albino Corydoras and witness the lively energy they bring to your aquatic environment.
- Albino Corydoras feature a distinctive albino coloration, characterized by a pale pinkish-white body and red eyes.
- Their sleek, armored appearance and energetic movements make them an eye-catching and playful addition to community tanks.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Maintain a tropical environment with temperatures ranging from 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C).
- pH Levels: Aim for slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, ideally between 6.0 to 7.5.
- Water Hardness: Keep water hardness in the soft to medium range, around 5 to 15 dGH, replicating their native South American habitats.
Tank Size and Setup:
- Albino Corydoras thrive in tanks of at least 20 gallons, providing ample space for a group of these sociable catfish.
- A substrate of smooth gravel or sand is recommended, and include hiding spots like caves or driftwood for them to feel secure.
Tank Mates:
- Albino Corydoras are peaceful and sociable, making them ideal for community tanks.
- Compatible tank mates include other peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, and dwarf cichlids. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or larger species.
Feeding Habits:
- Albino Corydoras are omnivores and have a bottom-dwelling feeding habit.
- Provide a well-balanced diet with sinking pellets or granules, supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. They also help control algae in the aquarium.
Care and Maintenance:
- Regular water changes are crucial to maintain water quality, and consistent monitoring of parameters with reliable test kits is recommended.
- Albino Corydoras have sensitive barbels, so avoid sharp substrate that could damage them. Use smooth gravel or sand to create a safe environment.
- These catfish are best kept in groups of at least three to ensure their social well-being.
Breeding Behavior:
- Albino Corydoras exhibit a unique breeding behavior known as the "T-position," where the male fertilizes the eggs held by the female.
- Provide flat surfaces such as broad leaves or spawning mops for egg deposition. Separating the eggs to a dedicated breeding tank may improve fry survival rates.
Corydoras Albino
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3 pcs
AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng
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