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Product Details


3cm - 4cm



Corydoras aeneus 3-4cm x 5pc

"Discover the captivating Corydoras Aeneus for your aquarium. With its vibrant colors and peaceful nature, it's a perfect addition to any tank."

Detailed Description:

The Corydoras Aeneus, also known as the Bronze Cory or Green Cory, is a delightful freshwater fish that brings both beauty and functionality to any aquarium. This small and peaceful catfish species is native to South America, particularly the Amazon River basin. With its striking colors, unique patterns, and fascinating behavior, the Corydoras Aeneus is a popular choice among aquarists of all skill levels. Let's delve into the specifics of this charming fish, including its ideal water conditions, suitable tank mates, feeding habits, and care requirements.

Water Conditions:
✦Temperature: The Corydoras Aeneus thrives in temperatures between 72°F and 80°F (22°C and 27°C).
✦pH Level: Maintain a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.
✦Water Hardness: Aim for a moderate water hardness level between 2 to 12 dKH.
✦Tank Size: Provide a spacious aquarium of at least 20 gallons (75 liters) to accommodate a small school of Corydoras Aeneus, as they prefer to live in groups.

Tank Mates:
✦Peaceful Community Fish: Corydoras Aeneus is known for its gentle temperament, making it an excellent addition to a peaceful community tank.
✦Avoid Aggressive Species: Since the Corydoras Aeneus is relatively small and tranquil, it's crucial to avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping tank mates.
✦Compatible Species: Consider companions such as tetras, guppies, rasboras, dwarf gouramis, and other small non-aggressive fish.

Feeding Habits:
✦Omnivorous Diet: Corydoras Aeneus are omnivores, meaning they consume a variety of foods.
✦Balanced Diet: Offer a combination of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods to provide a balanced and nutritious diet.
✦Supplement with Vegetables: Occasionally include blanched vegetables like zucchini or cucumber to add fiber to their diet.
✦Feed in the Evening: Corydoras Aeneus is primarily active during the evening, so it is best to feed them during this time.

✦Substrate and Hiding Places: Provide a soft sand substrate to mimic their natural habitat and prevent injuries to their delicate barbels. Additionally, add hiding spots like caves, driftwood, or plants for them to retreat and feel secure.
✦Water Quality: Maintain excellent water quality by performing regular water changes and using a reliable filtration system. Ensure the filtration does not create strong currents that could stress the fish.
✦Lighting: Moderate lighting is preferred, as excessive brightness may cause stress.
Behavior and Socialization: Corydoras Aeneus is a social species that thrives in groups of at least six individuals. They display interesting behaviors like shoaling, scavenging, and occasional surface breathing.

By adding the captivating Corydoras Aeneus to your aquarium, you'll not only enjoy their beauty but also witness their beneficial role in maintaining a healthy tank ecosystem. Their bottom-dwelling nature helps to clean up leftover food and detritus, contributing to a cleaner and more balanced aquarium environment. With proper care and suitable tank mates, the Corydoras Aeneus will undoubtedly become a cherished addition to your aquatic community.

Corydoras aeneus 3-4cm x 5pc

SGD 5.50

Product Options

5 pcs



Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye