Product Details
Colomesus Asellus (Amazon Puffer) – The Perfect Freshwater Puffer for Community Tanks
The Amazon Puffer (Colomesus asellus) is a vibrant, intelligent freshwater pufferfish with a playful personality. Ideal for experienced aquarists, it thrives in well-maintained tanks with the right care.
Detailed Description
Scientific Name: Colomesus asellus
Common Names: Amazon Puffer, South American Puffer (SAP)
Size: Up to 3 inches (7.5 cm)
Lifespan: 8–10 years with proper care
Temperament: Semi-aggressive, active, and curious
Tank Level: Mid to top-dweller
Water Conditions
Amazon Puffers require stable water parameters to stay healthy. Being sensitive to poor water quality, they demand a well-filtered and clean environment.
Tank Size: Minimum 30 gallons for a small group (3+ puffers)
Temperature: 74–82°F (23–28°C)
pH: 6.5–7.5
Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (5–15 dGH)
Filtration: Strong filtration is essential; puffers produce a high bioload
Flow: Moderate water movement mimicking river currents
Substrate: Sand or fine gravel preferred to prevent injuries
Tank Setup & Decor
Amazon Puffers are active swimmers that appreciate an environment mimicking their natural Amazonian habitat.
Provide driftwood, rocks, and dense plants to create hiding spots and reduce stress.
Open swimming spaces are important to allow their natural curiosity and activity to shine.
A well-oxygenated tank is beneficial, so consider an air stone or additional aeration.
Tank Mates
Unlike most puffers, Amazon Puffers can cohabit with other fish if carefully chosen. However, their fin-nipping tendencies make tankmate selection crucial.
Compatible Tank Mates:
✔️ Fast-moving, robust fish like danios, rasboras, or tetras
✔️ Bottom-dwellers such as corydoras and loaches
✔️ Larger, peaceful fish like angelfish or gouramis
❌ Long-finned species like bettas and guppies (may be nipped)
❌ Slow-moving fish that may be outcompeted for food
❌ Aggressive or territorial fish that may stress the puffer
Feeding & Diet
Amazon Puffers are carnivorous with a specialized diet that requires proper planning. They have ever-growing teeth that need hard-shelled foods to prevent overgrowth.
Staple Diet:
Snails (ramshorn, pond snails) – crucial for maintaining teeth
Frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms
Small crustaceans like mysis shrimp
Occasionally, high-quality sinking pellets or gel foods
Feeding Frequency:
2–3 times daily in small portions
Vary diet to ensure proper nutrition and dental health
Care & Maintenance
Perform weekly water changes (30–50%) to keep ammonia and nitrite levels at zero.
Monitor teeth growth—if puffers stop eating, they may need manual dental trimming (best left to experts).
Watch for stress signs like excessive hiding, fin damage, or loss of appetite.
Quarantine new fish before introducing them to prevent disease transmission.
Why Choose an Amazon Puffer?
Unique personality and intelligence, often recognizing their owners.
One of the few freshwater puffers suitable for community setups.
Rewarding to keep for aquarists willing to meet their care needs.
The Amazon Puffer (Colomesus asellus) is a fascinating fish for dedicated aquarists. While not beginner-friendly, its quirky behavior, vibrant colors, and interactive nature make it an outstanding addition to a well-maintained aquarium. With proper care, a balanced diet, and compatible tank mates, these little puffers will thrive and bring joy to any freshwater setup.
Colomesus Asellus
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Colomesus Asellus

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