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Product Details

8cm - 15cm

Clown Barbs (Puntius everetti) originate from the streams and tributaries of Malaysia, Borneo and Indonesia, where they inhabit the heavily vegetated streams that are common throughout the tropical jungles of the region. They are a schooling species that swim in large groups to help protect themselves from larger predatory fish species.
✦30 gallons with a temperature range of 73-79°F (23-26°C)
✦ pH of 6.5-7.5.
✦ ample swimming space, a substrate of sand or fine gravel. Include plants, rocks, and driftwood for hiding places.
✦Feed them a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods.
✦ Maintain good water quality with regular water changes (25% weekly).
✦peaceful community fish, but avoid keeping them with fin-nipping tank mates.
✦Monitor their behavior and water parameters regulary.
Clown Barb (Puntius Everetti)
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