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Product Details


7.5cm - 10cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Detailed Description:

  • Introduction: The Channa Rainbow Bleheri, also known as the Rainbow Snakehead, is a stunning aquatic plant that adds both color and character to any freshwater aquarium. This species, native to Southeast Asia, particularly thrives in aquatic environments with its distinctive rainbow-like foliage and manageable size of approximately 4 inches. Here’s everything you need to know about integrating and maintaining this beautiful plant in your aquarium setup.

  • Appearance: The Channa Rainbow Bleheri features elongated, vibrant green leaves that cascade gracefully in water, creating a lush and visually appealing backdrop. Its leaves exhibit varying shades of green, often with hints of red or pink, resembling the colors of a rainbow under proper lighting conditions. This plant grows to an average height of 4 inches, making it ideal for foreground or midground placement in tanks.

  • Water Conditions:

    • Temperature: Maintaining a stable temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C) is optimal for the Channa Rainbow Bleheri.
    • pH Level: This plant prefers slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with a pH range of 6.5-7.5.
    • Lighting: Moderate to high lighting is recommended to support healthy growth and to bring out the vibrant colors of its leaves.
    • Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate is beneficial, but this plant can also thrive in gravel or sand substrates with the addition of root tabs.
  • Maintenance Level:

    • The Channa Rainbow Bleheri is moderately easy to care for, making it suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
    • Regular pruning of old or damaged leaves helps to promote new growth and maintain its attractive appearance.
    • Routine water changes and monitoring of water parameters are essential to ensure optimal conditions for this plant's growth and health.
  • Compatibility with Fish:

    • The Channa Rainbow Bleheri serves not only as a decorative plant but also as a functional element in aquarium ecosystems.
    • Fish species that appreciate the Channa Rainbow Bleheri include peaceful community fish such as tetras, rasboras, gouramis, and small to medium-sized cichlids.
    • Its dense foliage provides hiding spots and security for smaller fish and fry, contributing to a well-balanced and harmonious aquatic environment.
  • Propagation:

    • Propagating the Channa Rainbow Bleheri is straightforward through stem cuttings.
    • Simply cut a healthy stem with a sharp, clean pair of scissors and replant it in the substrate or attach it to driftwood or rocks using fishing line or plant weights.
    • New roots should form within a few weeks under favorable conditions, ensuring a continuous supply of this captivating plant for your aquarium.
  • Tips for Success:

    • Ensure adequate circulation and filtration to prevent algae growth on the plant's leaves.
    • Consider supplementing with liquid fertilizers or root tabs to enhance growth and coloration, especially in tanks with inert substrates.
    • Monitor for signs of nutrient deficiencies, such as yellowing leaves, and adjust care accordingly.

Channa Rainbow Bleheri Pair Size 4”

SGD 100.00

Product Options

Regular (2 pcs)


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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng

Suitable Tank Mates for Channa Rainbow Bleheri Pair Size 4”