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Product Details

Cardinal Tetras (0.6-1”) – Vibrant Schooling Fish for Aquariums
Add a splash of color to your tank with Cardinal Tetras! These peaceful, schooling fish thrive in well-maintained aquariums, making them perfect for community setups.

Detailed Description


Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are one of the most sought-after freshwater fish, loved for their striking blue and red coloration. Native to the slow-moving waters of the Amazon River Basin, these small, peaceful fish are ideal for community aquariums and do best in schools of at least six.

Appearance & Size

  • Bright neon blue stripe running from head to tail
  • Vibrant red stripe covering the lower half of the body
  • Slightly translucent fins
  • Grows up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) in captivity

Water Parameters & Tank Requirements

To keep Cardinal Tetras healthy and vibrant, maintain stable water conditions:

  • Temperature: 73-81°F (23-27°C)
  • pH Level: 4.5-7.0 (prefers slightly acidic)
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (1-6 dGH)
  • Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons (larger preferred for bigger schools)
  • Filtration: Gentle flow with good biological filtration
  • Lighting: Dim to moderate, as they prefer subdued lighting

Tank Setup

  • Substrate: Dark-colored substrate enhances their coloration
  • Plants & Decor: Dense planting with floating plants for shade and security
  • Hiding Spots: Driftwood, caves, or leaf litter to mimic their natural environment
  • Water Flow: Gentle current mimicking slow-moving rivers

Tank Mates

Cardinal Tetras are peaceful schooling fish, making them great tank mates for other non-aggressive species. Suitable companions include:

  • Other small tetra species (Neon Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras)
  • Corydoras catfish
  • Dwarf Gouramis
  • Otocinclus catfish
  • Shrimp & Snails (Amano Shrimp, Nerite Snails)
  • Avoid large, aggressive fish like Cichlids or fin-nipping species like Tiger Barbs

Feeding & Diet

Cardinal Tetras are omnivorous and require a well-balanced diet:

  • High-quality flakes or micro pellets as a staple diet
  • Live or frozen foods (daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms) for variety
  • Vegetable-based foods (spirulina flakes, blanched veggies) for digestion support
  • Feed small amounts 2-3 times a day, ensuring they consume all food within a few minutes

Care & Maintenance

  • Perform weekly water changes (25-30%) to maintain water quality
  • Monitor ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates to prevent stress and disease
  • Keep in schools of 6 or more to reduce stress and enhance their natural behavior
  • Avoid sudden water parameter changes, as they are sensitive to fluctuations

Common Health Issues

  • Ich (White Spot Disease): Treat with temperature adjustments and medication if necessary
  • Fin Rot & Fungal Infections: Prevent with clean water and proper diet
  • Stress-related Issues: Ensure stable conditions and a well-structured tank

Why Choose Cardinal Tetras?

  • Stunning colors that brighten any aquarium
  • Peaceful and compatible with a variety of tank mates
  • Active schooling behavior that adds movement and life to your setup
  • Relatively low maintenance with proper care

Cardinal Tetras are an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists looking to create a beautiful, thriving community aquarium!

Cardinal Tetras

SGD 12.00

Product Options

Cardinal Tetras (10pcs)

Cardinal Tetras (50 pcs)


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Suitable Tank Mates for Cardinal Tetras