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Product Details


2cm - 3cm



Product Description:

Overview: Blueberry Tetras (Boehlkea fredcochui) are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to their brilliant colors, hardy nature, and peaceful demeanor. These small freshwater fish exhibit stunning hues of blue and red, making them a striking addition to any aquarium. Native to South American rivers, they have adapted well to captive environments, making them relatively easy to care for. Ideal for both beginner and experienced aquarists, Blueberry Tetras thrive in community tanks where they can display their active, schooling behavior.

Key Features:

  • Vibrant Coloration: Blueberry Tetras are known for their striking iridescent blue bodies with hints of red and silver. Their shimmering appearance adds a splash of color to any aquarium.
  • Peaceful Nature: These tetras are non-aggressive and get along well with other peaceful fish, making them perfect tank mates in community setups.
  • Small Size: Growing to a maximum of 2 inches (5 cm), they are compact and ideal for smaller to medium-sized tanks.
  • Active Swimmers: Blueberry Tetras are lively, schooling fish that enjoy swimming in groups. A group of 6 or more will show their best colors and activity levels.

Water Conditions:

To keep Blueberry Tetras healthy and thriving, it is essential to mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible. Here are the recommended water conditions:

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for a small group. Since they are schooling fish, the more space you provide, the better their movement and health.
  • Temperature: Blueberry Tetras prefer water temperatures between 72°F and 82°F (22°C to 28°C). Consistent warmth ensures they remain active and stress-free.
  • pH Range: They thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5.
  • Water Hardness: These tetras prefer soft to moderately hard water with a general hardness (GH) of 2 to 12 dGH.
  • Filtration: A gentle to moderate filtration system is ideal for maintaining clean water without creating strong currents, as Blueberry Tetras prefer calmer waters.
  • Lighting and Décor: Use low to moderate lighting and a well-planted aquarium to provide hiding spots and replicate their natural environment. Adding driftwood, rocks, and floating plants can also enhance their habitat.

Tank Mates:

Blueberry Tetras are peaceful fish, making them ideal candidates for community tanks. However, it is essential to choose appropriate tank mates to ensure harmony:

  • Compatible Tank Mates:

    • Other small, peaceful tetras like Neon or Cardinal Tetras
    • Rasboras
    • Corydoras catfish
    • Small gouramis
    • Dwarf shrimp (e.g., Cherry Shrimp)
    • Snails (e.g., Nerite Snails)
  • Avoid Aggressive Species:

    • Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish like cichlids or bettas, which might intimidate or prey on the tetras.
    • Steer clear of fin-nipping species, such as Tiger Barbs, which could harm the delicate fins of the Blueberry Tetra.

Feeding Habits:

Blueberry Tetras are omnivores, meaning they will accept a wide variety of food. A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining their vibrant colors and overall health:

  • Primary Diet:

    • High-quality flakes or micro pellets designed for small tropical fish
    • Freeze-dried foods like daphnia or bloodworms
    • Micro-pellets rich in proteins and essential nutrients
  • Supplementary Diet:

    • Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms for added protein
    • Blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach can provide additional vitamins and minerals
    • Occasional treats like mosquito larvae

It is essential to feed small amounts several times a day, ensuring that all food is consumed within a couple of minutes. Overfeeding can lead to poor water quality and health issues.

Care and Maintenance:

Blueberry Tetras are relatively easy to care for, but following proper guidelines ensures their long-term health and happiness:

  • Tank Setup: A well-planted tank with areas of shade and open swimming space is ideal for these tetras. They enjoy a natural-looking environment, so using live plants like Java fern, Anubias, or floating plants like Amazon frogbit is recommended.

  • Regular Water Changes: Perform weekly water changes of 25-30% to maintain good water quality. Tetras are sensitive to poor water conditions, and regular maintenance helps prevent diseases.

  • Water Parameters Monitoring: Keep an eye on water parameters using test kits, especially after water changes. Blueberry Tetras are more comfortable in soft, slightly acidic water, so maintaining stable conditions is vital.

  • Disease Prevention: While generally hardy, Blueberry Tetras can be susceptible to common freshwater diseases such as Ich or fin rot. Keeping the tank clean and avoiding sudden water parameter changes will reduce the risk of illness. Quarantine any new fish before introducing them to the community tank to avoid the spread of diseases.

  • Behavioral Observation: Blueberry Tetras are social fish and should always be kept in schools of 6 or more. Keeping them in small numbers can lead to stress and behavioral issues.

Blueberry tetra 2.5cm

SGD 16.50

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye