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Product Details
3cm - 4cm
Introducing the Blue Eye Congo Tetra, a captivating species known for its stunning coloration and shimmering blue eyes. With its vibrant iridescent body and peaceful nature, the Blue Eye Congo Tetra is a perfect addition to any community aquarium. Watch as their colors shimmer and their eyes sparkle, adding a touch of elegance to your aquatic world. Order now and experience the beauty of the Blue Eye Congo Tetra in your own tank.
Introducing the Blue Eye Congo Tetra, a captivating species known for its stunning coloration and shimmering blue eyes. With its vibrant iridescent body and peaceful nature, the Blue Eye Congo Tetra is a perfect addition to any community aquarium. Watch as their colors shimmer and their eyes sparkle, adding a touch of elegance to your aquatic world. Order now and experience the beauty of the Blue Eye Congo Tetra in your own tank.
The Blue Eye Congo Tetra, scientifically known as Phenacogrammus interuptus, is a popular and beautiful fish that captures attention with its vibrant colors and unique eye coloration. Here's everything you need to know about caring for and keeping the Blue Eye Congo Tetra in your aquarium:
- Vibrant Iridescent Body: The Blue Eye Congo Tetra displays a stunning combination of metallic blue, yellow, and orange colors on its body, creating a captivating visual display.
- Sparkling Blue Eyes: One of the most distinctive features of this tetra species is its bright blue eyes, which add an extra touch of allure.
- Size: The Blue Eye Congo Tetra typically reaches a size of 7-8 cm (2.8-3.2 inches), making it a suitable choice for medium-sized community aquariums.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 24°C and 28°C (75°F-82°F) to provide optimal conditions for the Blue Eye Congo Tetra.
- pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 to replicate their natural habitat.
- Water Hardness: These tetras prefer soft to moderately hard water, with a dH range of 5 to 15.
- Filtration: Use a reliable filtration system to maintain excellent water quality and provide sufficient oxygenation.
- Ample Swimming Space: The Blue Eye Congo Tetra appreciates a well-spaced aquarium setup to accommodate their active swimming behavior.
Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: Provide a spacious tank with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons to allow the Blue Eye Congo Tetras to swim comfortably.
- Planted Aquarium: Incorporate live plants such as Vallisneria, Java Fern, or Amazon Sword to provide natural hiding places and create a visually appealing environment.
- Dim Lighting: Create a subdued lighting setup using floating plants or dimmable lights to mimic their natural habitat and enhance their colors.
- Open Swimming Area: Leave enough open space in the tank for the tetras to swim and showcase their vibrant colors.
Tank Mates:
- Peaceful Community Fish: The Blue Eye Congo Tetra is a peaceful species that can be kept with other non-aggressive fish that share similar water parameter requirements.
- Schooling Behavior: Keep the Blue Eye Congo Tetras in a group of at least 5 individuals to encourage their natural schooling behavior and reduce stress.
Feeding Habit:
- Omnivorous Diet: The Blue Eye Congo Tetra is an omnivore and accepts a wide range of foods.
- High-Quality Flakes and Pellets: Offer a balanced diet of high-quality flakes or pellets formulated for tropical fish as the main staple.
- Supplement with Live and Frozen Foods: Provide occasional live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to enhance their diet and provide variety.
- Water Parameters: Regularly test the water parameters to ensure they remain within the suitable range for the Blue Eye Congo Tetra.
- Partial Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes of around 25% every 1-2 weeks to maintain optimal water quality.
- Tank Maintenance: Clean the tank and remove any uneaten food or debris promptly to prevent water quality issues.
- Monitoring Health: Observe the Blue Eye Congo Tetras for any signs of disease, stress, or abnormalities.
Enjoy the beauty of the Blue Eye Congo Tetra as they gracefully swim and mesmerize with their vibrant colors and sparkling blue eyes. These peaceful and eye-catching tetras will undoubtedly be a stunning addition to your community aquarium.
Blue eye congo tetra 3-4cm
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