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Product Details
3cm - 4cm
Black Widow Frontosa (Cyphotilapia sp.) - Elegance Meets Mystery:
Introduction: The Black Widow Frontosa, scientifically known as Cyphotilapia, is a remarkable and enigmatic freshwater cichlid species originating from Lake Tanganyika in Africa. This fish is revered for its striking appearance, characterized by bold contrasting colors and a regal demeanor. If you're seeking a captivating addition to your aquarium, the Black Widow Frontosa is a compelling choice.
- The Black Widow Frontosa boasts a commanding presence with its deep black body adorned by striking white or light blue vertical bars.
- Their elongated, laterally compressed bodies and pronounced foreheads are characteristic of Frontosas.
- These cichlids exhibit an elegant finnage, with elongated dorsal and anal fins that add to their regal appearance.
Behavior and Compatibility:
- Black Widow Frontosas are generally peaceful within their own species and compatible with other Tanganyikan cichlids.
- However, it's advisable to avoid housing them with smaller, more timid fish that might become targets for aggression.
Tank Requirements:
- Provide a spacious aquarium with stable water conditions.
- Maintain a water temperature between 74°F and 80°F (23°C to 27°C).
- Aim for a pH level between 7.8 and 9.0 to replicate their natural habitat.
- Create a rocky aquascape with caves and hiding spots to mimic Lake Tanganyika's rocky shorelines.
- Black Widow Frontosas are primarily carnivorous, and their diet should consist of high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen protein-rich foods.
- Offer occasional treats like brine shrimp, krill, or earthworms to diversify their diet and enhance their coloration.
Care and Considerations:
- Regular water changes and efficient filtration are crucial for maintaining excellent water quality, as these cichlids are sensitive to poor water conditions.
- Monitoring their behavior and health is essential; any signs of stress or illness should be addressed promptly.
- Breeding Frontosas can be challenging due to their specific requirements and slow growth rate.
- Provide a spacious breeding tank with adequate hiding spots.
- Frontosas are mouthbrooders; the female carries and protects the eggs in her mouth until the fry are ready to swim freely.
Black widow Frontosa 3-4cm
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