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Product Details


27cm - 35cm



"Elevate your aquarium with our Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish! Vibrant, robust, and sized perfectly for your tank. Order now for a stunning aquatic centerpiece!"

Detailed Description:

Introduction to Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish: The Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish, scientifically known as Datnioides microlepis, is a magnificent species revered for its vibrant red coloration and bold personality. Originating from the rivers of Southeast Asia, this striking fish adds an exotic flair to any aquarium setup. With its impressive size ranging from 11 to 14 inches and distinctive three-bar pattern, it commands attention as the focal point of your aquatic display.


  • The Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish boasts a sleek, elongated body adorned with vibrant red coloration.
  • Its three bold black bars across the body add contrast and character to its striking appearance.
  • With a size range of 11 to 14 inches, this species exudes presence and charisma in any tank setting.

Water Conditions:

  • Optimal water temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH level: 6.5-7.5
  • Water hardness: Soft to moderately hard (5-15 dGH)
  • Maintain excellent water quality through proper filtration and regular water changes to support the health and vitality of your Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish.

Tank Setup:

  • Provide a spacious aquarium with ample room for swimming, as these fish are active and enjoy exploring their environment.
  • Include hiding spots such as caves, driftwood, and plants to offer security and shelter.
  • Ensure a secure lid on the tank to prevent potential escapes, as Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish are known to be skilled jumpers.

Tank Mates:

  • Select tank mates of similar size and temperament to avoid aggression and territorial disputes.
  • Compatible tank mates may include other large, peaceful species such as large barbs, gouramis, or similarly sized cichlids.
  • Avoid housing with smaller fish that may be viewed as prey or with aggressive species that could harass or injure the Tiger Fish.

Feeding Habit:

  • Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish are carnivorous predators with a voracious appetite.
  • Offer a varied diet consisting of live or frozen foods such as feeder fish, shrimp, crickets, and earthworms.
  • Supplement their diet with high-quality pellets or sinking carnivore-specific pellets to ensure balanced nutrition.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Monitor water parameters regularly using a reliable test kit and maintain optimal conditions for the health and well-being of your fish.
  • Perform routine water changes to remove waste and maintain water quality.
  • Keep tank decorations clean and free of debris to prevent the accumulation of harmful bacteria.

Behavior and Temperament:

  • Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish are known for their bold and aggressive behavior, especially during feeding times.
  • They may exhibit territorial tendencies, particularly towards conspecifics or similar-looking species.
  • Observing their hunting behavior can be fascinating, as they stalk and ambush prey with lightning-fast strikes.


  • Breeding Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish in captivity is challenging and rarely achieved outside of specialized breeding facilities.
  • Provide a separate breeding tank with optimal water parameters and ample hiding places for the spawning pair.
  • Success in breeding may require hormonal manipulation and careful attention to environmental conditions

Big Red Borneo Tiger Fish 3 bar

SGD 875.00

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng