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Product Details


2cm - 2cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Archerfish 2inch
Product Description:
"Enhance your aquarium with the captivating Archerfish! Shop now for this exquisite freshwater beauty with striking colors and unique hunting abilities."

Detailed Description:

Introducing the Archerfish - a stunning freshwater fish that will bring life and vibrancy to your aquarium. With its mesmerizing colors and intriguing hunting abilities, this unique species is sure to captivate both seasoned aquarists and beginners alike. Carefully bred for their distinctive features and resilience, these Archerfish are now available to grace your aquatic sanctuary. Explore the detailed information below to learn about their ideal water conditions, compatible tank mates, feeding habits, and care requirements.

Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Maintain a water temperature between 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C) to ensure the optimal health and well-being of your Archerfish.
- pH Level: Keep the pH level within the range of 6.5 to 7.5 to provide a comfortable environment for your fish.
- Water Hardness: Archerfish prefer a moderate water hardness level ranging from 5 to 12 dKH.
- Filtration: A reliable filtration system is crucial to maintain pristine water quality. Use a quality filter to keep the tank clean and remove any harmful substances.

Tank Mates:
- Peaceful Community Fish: Archerfish can coexist peacefully with various species, such as tetras, rasboras, gouramis, and rainbowfish.
- Similar-sized Fish: Avoid keeping Archerfish with significantly smaller tank mates, as they might mistake them for prey.
- Aggressive or Fin-nipping Fish: Archerfish should not be housed with aggressive or fin-nipping species, as it can cause stress and injury.

Feeding Habits:
- Natural Diet: Archerfish are known for their unique hunting behavior. They prefer live prey and have a remarkable ability to shoot water jets at insects and other small animals, knocking them into the water for consumption.
- Supplementary Feeding: In addition to live prey, you can offer them a varied diet consisting of frozen or freeze-dried foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. This will provide them with the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

- Tank Size: Archerfish require a spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons to ensure they have ample room to swim and exhibit their natural behaviors.
- Aquascape: Create a well-planted aquarium with floating plants and open swimming areas to mimic their natural habitat and provide them with shelter and hiding spots.
- Lighting: Provide moderate lighting in the tank, simulating the natural lighting conditions of a river or stream.
- Water Changes: Regular water changes of 10-20% every one to two weeks are essential to maintain excellent water quality.
- Observation: Spend time observing your Archerfish as they exhibit fascinating behavior, including their unique hunting technique.

In conclusion, the Archerfish is an exceptional addition to any freshwater aquarium, captivating both onlookers and aquarists with its vibrant colors and engaging hunting abilities. With proper care, suitable tank mates, and a well-maintained environment, these fascinating fish will thrive and become the focal point of your aquatic masterpiece. Don't miss the opportunity to bring home these exquisite Archerfish and enjoy the wonders they bring to your underwater world.


SGD 12.00

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Toh Aquarium Lavender

Suitable Tank Mates for Archerfish