Product Details

Flame Moss Mesh (7x7cm) Tai Wan Moss Mesh (7x 7cm) Weeping Moss Mesh (7x7cm) Fissiden Moss Mesh (7x7cm) Lush, Matured & Green! No CO2 / Chiller required Plants received might look different due to emersed growth and all pictures are for reference purposes only. Benefits ✅ Beautify any tank and make your aquarium aesthetically pleasing ✅ Remove waste and absorb nitrates ✅ Reduce algae by consuming key nutrients

Aquarium Live Aquatic Moss Assorted Moss Mesh (7x7cm)

SGD 10.00

Product Options

Taiwan Moss

Weeping Moss

Flame Moss

Mini Fissiden Moss



Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Aquarium Studio Macpherson