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Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red," also known as the Cockatoo Cichlid, is a stunning aquarium fish with vibrant colors and a peaceful temperament, perfect for community tanks.
Detailed Description:
- Scientific Name: Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red"
- Common Name: Cockatoo Cichlid (Red variety)
- Size: Typically grows to around 3–4 inches (7.5–10 cm) in length.
- Lifespan: 3–5 years, with proper care.
- Origin: Native to the rivers of South America, particularly the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela and Colombia.
- Temperament: Peaceful and shy but can display territorial behavior, especially during breeding periods. Ideal for a peaceful community tank.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: 76°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C). This fish thrives in warmer temperatures, so ensure the tank heater maintains a stable environment.
- pH Level: Preferably between 6.0 and 7.5. They like slightly acidic to neutral water but can adapt to a wide range of pH.
- Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water is best (2–10 dGH).
- Water Movement: They prefer calm waters, so avoid powerful water currents that could stress them out.
Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) for a pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red," but larger tanks are always better for ensuring adequate space.
- Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel works best, as they like to dig and forage for food. Avoid sharp gravel that could injure their delicate fins.
- Aquascaping: Create plenty of hiding spots with rocks, driftwood, and plants. These fish enjoy a natural, well-planted tank environment with dense vegetation.
- Lighting: Moderate lighting works well, with shaded areas provided by plants or decorations. Overly bright lighting may stress them out.
Feeding Habits:
- Diet: Omnivorous, but they especially enjoy live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. They will also accept high-quality flakes or pellets as part of their diet.
- Feeding Frequency: Feed small portions 2–3 times a day. Ensure that no uneaten food remains in the tank to prevent water contamination.
- Supplementation: You can supplement their diet with finely chopped vegetables, such as blanched zucchini or spinach, to keep them healthy and vibrant.
Tank Mates:
- Compatible Species: Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red" is generally peaceful and works well with other non-aggressive species such as small tetras (e.g., neon tetras, cardinal tetras), rasboras, and Corydoras catfish.
- Avoid: Larger, aggressive fish, as they may bully or stress out these delicate cichlids. Avoid tank mates like large barbs or aggressive cichlids.
- Breeding Pair: It's important to keep a single male and multiple females if you want to breed them. A ratio of 1 male to 2 or more females is ideal to prevent aggression between males.
- Breeding Behavior: Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red" are substrate spawners, meaning they will lay eggs on a flat surface like rocks or leaves. The female usually guards the nest while the male stays nearby.
- Fry Care: The female often takes care of the fry, leading them to hiding places for safety. The fry can be fed baby brine shrimp or finely crushed flake food once they are old enough.
Care and Maintenance:
- Water Changes: Perform weekly water changes of 25%–30% to maintain high water quality, as they are sensitive to water pollution.
- Tank Maintenance: Regularly check water parameters like pH, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels to ensure a healthy environment. Clean the substrate gently to remove excess food and waste.
- Monitoring Health: While Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red" is generally hardy, they are sensitive to sudden changes in water conditions, so be sure to acclimate them slowly to new environments.
- Disease Prevention: Keep the tank clean and ensure stable water conditions to prevent common freshwater fish diseases such as ich or velvet.
Unique Characteristics:
- Coloration: The "Red" variety is known for its striking red and orange coloration, especially in males. Males also have a prominent, cockatoo-like fin on their head, adding to their visual appeal.
- Behavior: While they are shy and will spend a lot of time hiding when first introduced to a tank, with time, they will become more comfortable and active, particularly during feeding times.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red" is a colorful and relatively easy-to-care-for fish that will thrive in a peaceful community aquarium with proper water conditions, tank mates, and feeding habits. Their stunning coloration and unique behavior make them a fascinating addition to any aquarium.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red"
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Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Red"

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