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Product Details

2cm - 8cm

Semi Aggressive
One of the most strikingly colorful and attractively patterned
Apistogramma, the Sunset or Atahualpa Apisto is found in small forest
pools and shallow reaches of flooded forest along the lower Itaya River
Drainage in Peru. A hardy and relatively peaceful species, they are
ideal for smaller aquariums and do best with ample cover in the form of
plants, driftwood, and small caves.
✦set up a well-maintained aquarium of at least 20 gallons.
✦Maintain the water temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C) and pH level around 6.0-7.0.
✦ Provide a mix of sand and fine gravel substrate with hiding spots using caves, driftwood, and plants.
✦Feed them a varied diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, live or frozen foods.
✦Regularly perform water changes and ensure good filtration.
✦Maintain a peaceful tank environment with compatible tankmates.
✦Monitor water parameters and address any issues promptly.
Apistogramma Atahualpa (Pair)
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Apistogramma Atahualpa (Pair)

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