Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


8cm - 10cm

Care Level




PH Level

6.5 - 7.5

3.5 to 4 inches

Photo credits to Pet Zone Tropical Fish

Elevate your aquarium with the Albino Silver Arowana, a truly captivating and majestic fish. With its stunning beauty and graceful movements, this albino variant of the Silver Arowana is a prized addition to any aquatic showcase. Read on to learn more about the Albino Silver Arowana and how to provide it with the ideal water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and care.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 78°F to 86°F (25°C to 30°C) for the Albino Silver Arowana.
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Water Hardness: They prefer moderately soft to moderately hard water with a hardness of 5 to 15 dGH.
  • Filtration: Provide efficient filtration to maintain pristine water quality and ensure proper oxygenation.

Tank Mates:

  • Solitary Species: The Albino Silver Arowana is best kept as a solitary fish due to its territorial nature. It is known to become aggressive towards tank mates, especially those with long, flowing fins.
  • Large Tank Companions: If you wish to house other fish with the Albino Silver Arowana, select large and robust species such as large cichlids, catfish, or other large, non-aggressive fish.

Feeding Habit:

  • Carnivorous Diet: The Albino Silver Arowana is primarily a carnivore. Offer them a variety of meaty foods such as live or frozen small fish, shrimp, crickets, mealworms, and pellets specifically designed for carnivorous fish.
  • Occasional Variety: Supplement their diet with occasional treats like bloodworms, earthworms, or small pieces of raw seafood to provide a varied and nutritionally rich diet.


  • Tank Size: The Albino Silver Arowana requires a large tank due to its size and swimming habits. A minimum tank size of 250 gallons is recommended to accommodate their growth and provide ample swimming space.
  • Tank Cover: Ensure a secure tank cover as Arowanas are skilled jumpers and can easily leap out of the tank if not properly enclosed.
  • Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes of about 20% every 1-2 weeks to maintain excellent water quality and promote a healthy environment.
  • Lighting: Provide subdued lighting in the tank as bright lights may cause stress to the Albino Silver Arowana.
  • Tank Decor: Use large, sturdy decorations such as driftwood and rocks to create hiding places and mimic their natural habitat. Ensure the tank setup allows for open swimming spaces.

Albino Silver Arowana

SGD 82.35

Item not available
Product Options

3.5 to 4 inches


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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye

Suitable Tank Mates for Albino Silver Arowana