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The Albino Sailfin Pleco, scientifically known as Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps, is a popular freshwater aquarium fish appreciated for its distinctive appearance and algae-eating habits. Below is some information about caring for Albino Sailfin Plecos:

  1. Appearance:

    • Albino Sailfin Plecos feature a cream or pinkish-white body with red eyes, lacking the dark pigmentation seen in typical Plecostomus species.
    • They possess a flat, sail-like dorsal fin, which gives them their name, and they have a flattened body with armor-like plates.
    • As juveniles, they may exhibit a spotted or mottled pattern that tends to fade as they mature.
  2. Tank Setup:

    • Provide a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding spots such as caves, driftwood, and plants. Albino Sailfin Plecos appreciate having hiding places to retreat to during the day.
    • Maintain stable water parameters with temperatures around 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH between 6.5-7.5, and moderate water hardness.
    • Ensure the tank has strong filtration and regular water changes to maintain good water quality, as plecos can produce a significant amount of waste.
  3. Diet:

    • Albino Sailfin Plecos are primarily herbivorous and feed on algae in the wild. However, they are omnivores and will also consume a variety of foods in captivity.
    • Offer a varied diet including algae wafers, sinking pellets, blanched vegetables (such as zucchini, cucumber, and spinach), and occasional protein-rich foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp.
    • Providing driftwood in the tank can also provide additional fiber in their diet and aid in their digestion.
  4. Tank Mates:

    • Albino Sailfin Plecos are generally peaceful and can be kept with a wide range of community fish species.
    • Avoid keeping them with aggressive or overly territorial tank mates that may harass or stress them.
    • They may sometimes become territorial towards other bottom-dwelling fish, especially if they perceive them as competition for food or shelter.
  5. Behavior:

    • Albino Sailfin Plecos are nocturnal by nature and are most active during the night.
    • During the day, they typically rest in hiding spots or adhere to tank surfaces, using their sucker-like mouths to graze on algae.
    • They may also display territorial behavior, particularly towards other plecos or bottom-dwelling fish if space or resources are limited.
  6. Breeding:

    • Breeding Albino Sailfin Plecos in captivity can be challenging and often requires specific conditions to induce spawning.
    • Females typically lay eggs on a clean, flat surface, such as the glass of the aquarium or on driftwood.
    • The parents do not provide parental care, so it's essential to remove the eggs to a separate tank to prevent them from being eaten by other fish.

Albino sailfin pleco 10 inch

SGD 22.00

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Albino sailfin pleco 10 inch



Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye