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Product Details
Semi Aggressive
The Albino Red Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is a striking and sought-after species that brings beauty and grandeur to any aquarium. With its vibrant red coloration, unique albino trait, and majestic presence, the Albino Red Oscar is a true showstopper. This cichlid species is known for its fascinating behavior, remarkable size, and impressive lifespan. Let's delve into a detailed description of this captivating fish, covering essential information on water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and care.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: The Albino Red Oscar thrives in a tropical environment with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C).
- pH Level: Maintain a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 to ensure optimal health and well-being.
- Water Hardness: Aim for a moderate water hardness level between 5 and 15 dGH.
- Filtration: A high-quality filtration system is essential to maintain clean and well-oxygenated water. Regular water changes are recommended to uphold optimal water conditions.
Tank Mates:
- Suitable Tank Mates: The Albino Red Oscar is best kept in a species-only aquarium or with large, robust tank mates.
- Avoid Small Fish: Due to its predatory nature and potential for aggression, it is not recommended to keep the Albino Red Oscar with smaller fish species.
- Large Cichlids: Compatible tank mates may include other large cichlids, such as Jack Dempseys, Green Terrors, or Severums. However, monitor their interactions closely.
Feeding Habit:
- Carnivorous Diet: The Albino Red Oscar is primarily a carnivore, requiring a protein-rich diet.
- High-Quality Pellets: Offer high-quality pellets specifically formulated for large cichlids as their staple diet.
- Live and Frozen Foods: Supplement their diet with occasional treats like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish.
- Feed Appropriate Portions: Avoid overfeeding, as Oscars have a tendency to overeat, which can lead to health issues. Offer food in small portions multiple times a day.
- Tank Size: Provide a spacious aquarium of at least 75 gallons (283 liters) for a single Albino Red Oscar. For a pair or community setup, a larger tank of 125 gallons (473 liters) or more is recommended.
- Hiding Places: Create ample hiding spots using caves, rocks, and driftwood to replicate their natural habitat and provide a sense of security.
- Substrate: Utilize a sand or fine gravel substrate to prevent injury to their delicate fins and facilitate natural foraging behaviors.
- Lighting: Provide moderate lighting, as Oscars appreciate dimly lit environments with some areas of shade.
- Regular Maintenance: Conduct routine water tests, maintain optimal water conditions, and perform regular water changes to promote the health and well-being of your Albino Red Oscar.
- Observing Behavior: Take time to appreciate their majestic presence, remarkable coloration, and fascinating behaviors as they establish territories and interact with their environment.
Albino Red Oscar
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