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Product Details


1cm - 5cm



Enhance your aquarium with the Albino Hoplo Catfish. These captivating catfish bring charm and personality to aquatic setups.


  • The Albino Hoplo Catfish (Megalechis thoracata) is a delightful and peaceful addition to freshwater aquariums, prized for its unique appearance and gentle demeanor.
  • With its albino coloration and distinctive features, this catfish adds visual interest and character to any community tank.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Ideally maintained between 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C).
  • pH Levels: Prefers slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.
  • Water Hardness: Tolerates a wide range of water hardness, but prefers soft to moderately hard water conditions.

Tank Mates:

  • Peaceful Community Fish: Albino Hoplo Catfish are compatible with a wide variety of peaceful community fish species, including tetras, rasboras, danios, and peaceful cichlids.
  • Avoid Aggressive Species: Avoid housing with aggressive or territorial fish that may harass or outcompete the Albino Hoplo Catfish for food and space.

Feeding Habit:

  • Omnivorous Diet: Albino Hoplo Catfish are omnivores and accept a wide range of foods, including sinking pellets, flakes, frozen foods, and live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.
  • Bottom Feeder: These catfish are natural scavengers and will sift through the substrate in search of food, so sinking pellets and tablets are ideal for their diet.
  • Feed Regularly: Offer a varied diet and feed small portions multiple times a day to ensure they receive adequate nutrition.


  • Tank Size: Provide a spacious aquarium of at least 30 gallons to accommodate their adult size and allow for natural behavior.
  • Substrate: Use fine sand or smooth gravel substrate to mimic their natural habitat and prevent injury to their barbels.
  • Hiding Places: Provide plenty of hiding spots such as caves, driftwood, and plants to help the Albino Hoplo Catfish feel secure and reduce stress.
  • Water Quality: Maintain excellent water quality through regular water changes and efficient filtration, as these catfish are sensitive to poor water conditions.


  • Peaceful Nature: Albino Hoplo Catfish are peaceful and gentle fish that prefer to spend their time exploring the bottom of the aquarium.
  • Nocturnal Activity: While primarily active at night, they may become more active during feeding times and may venture out during the day in a well-decorated aquarium with ample hiding places.


  • Rare in Captivity: Breeding Albino Hoplo Catfish in captivity is rare and requires specific conditions, including soft, slightly acidic water and suitable spawning sites.
  • Egg Scatterers: Females scatter adhesive eggs over plants and decorations, and both parents may guard the eggs until they hatch.


  • Compatibility: Ensure tank mates are peaceful and non-aggressive to prevent stress and potential aggression towards the Albino Hoplo Catfish.
  • Feeding Competition: Monitor feeding to ensure the catfish receive adequate nutrition, as they may compete with other bottom-dwelling fish for food.

Albino Hoplo Catfish 5cm

SGD 13.20

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye