Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


1cm - 4cm

Care Level




PH Level

4 - 7

Inhabits black water streams and pools associated with ancient forest peat swamps. The water is stained brown due to the release of tannins and other chemicals released by decomposing organic matter and the substrate scattered with fallen leaves, twigs and branches.

Such environments characteristically contain very soft (negligible hardness), acidic (pH as low as 4.0) water and are often dimly-lit due to dense marginal vegetation and the forest canopy above. Across much of Southeast Asia these precious biotopes are under threat from rubber or palm oil plantations, building developments and other human activities.


  • Vibrant Red Coloration: The Mosquito Rasbora is known for its vibrant red color, which covers most of its body. The intensity of the red hue can vary depending on factors such as lighting and diet, but they always make a bold statement in any aquarium.
  • Striking Black Markings: Adding to their beauty, the Mosquito Rasboras feature striking black markings that extend from their dorsal fin to their tail, creating a contrasting and eye-catching pattern.


  • Adult Mosquito Rasboras typically reach a size of around 2 centimeters (0.8 inches) in length, making them one of the smallest fish in the aquarium hobby. Their small size allows them to thrive in nano tanks and community setups alike.

Temperament and Behavior:

  • Peaceful Nature: Mosquito Rasboras are peaceful and non-aggressive, making them an excellent choice for community aquariums. They coexist well with other small, peaceful fish and can be kept in groups.
  • Active Swimmers: Despite their small size, Mosquito Rasboras are active swimmers, constantly darting around the aquarium. Their energetic behavior adds liveliness and movement to the tank.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 22°C and 28°C (72°F-82°F) to ensure the well-being of Mosquito Rasboras.
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.0 to 7.5, replicating their natural habitat.
  • Water Hardness: These Rasboras prefer soft to slightly hard water with a hardness level of around 2 to 10 dH.

Tank Setup:

  • Tank Size: Provide an aquarium of at least 10 gallons to accommodate a small school of Mosquito Rasboras comfortably. Due to their small size, they can thrive in nano tanks and planted setups.
  • Aquascape: Create a well-planted aquarium with the inclusion of fine-leaved plants, mosses, and driftwood. Provide ample hiding spots and create a natural environment that mimics their native habitat.
  • Lighting: Moderate to low lighting is suitable for Mosquito Rasboras. Consider using floating plants or diffusing the light to provide shaded areas within the tank.

Feeding Habit:

  • Omnivorous Diet: Mosquito Rasboras are omnivores and accept a variety of foods. Offer them high-quality flake or small-sized pellets as a staple diet. Supplement their diet with small live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, or micro worms to provide variety and essential nutrients.


  • Water Quality: Maintain excellent water quality by performing regular water changes and monitoring water parameters. Clean and well-filtered water is essential for the health and vitality of Mosquito Rasboras.
  • Observation and Tank Maintenance: Regularly observe the behavior and condition of your Rasboras. Look for any signs of stress, disease, or aggression and take appropriate measures if necessary. Perform routine tank maintenance, including substrate vacuuming, filter maintenance, and regular plant care.

Mosquito Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae)

SGD 2.59

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye

Suitable Tank Mates for Mosquito Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae)