Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


2cm - 3cm

Care Level




PH Level

6 - 7.5

Introducing Aspidoras spilotus, a delightful and charming species of catfish that will bring a touch of liveliness to your freshwater aquarium. With its small size and captivating appearance, the Aspidoras spilotus is perfect for aquarists looking to add a schooling fish with unique characteristics. This species, known for its speckled pattern and playful nature, is sure to become a favorite among hobbyists. Order now and create a vibrant and dynamic aquatic environment with the delightful Aspidoras spilotus.

The Aspidoras spilotus is a delightful and captivating species of catfish that brings a sense of liveliness and character to any freshwater aquarium. Here's everything you need to know about caring for and keeping the Aspidoras spilotus in your tank:


  • Speckled Pattern: The Aspidoras spilotus showcases a beautiful speckled pattern across its body, with shades of brown, black, and white. This unique pattern adds visual interest and charm to the fish.
  • Small Size: On average, the Aspidoras spilotus reaches a size of 2.2-2.8 cm (0.9-1.1 inches), making it suitable for smaller aquarium setups or as part of a community tank.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 72°F and 78°F (22°C-26°C) to provide optimal conditions for the Aspidoras spilotus.
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 to create a suitable environment.
  • Water Hardness: These catfish prefer moderately soft to moderately hard water, with a dH range of 4 to 12.
  • Filtration: Use a reliable filtration system to maintain excellent water quality and provide proper oxygenation.
  • Ample Oxygenation: Ensure good water circulation and consider adding airstones or a sponge filter to promote adequate oxygenation.

Tank Setup:

  • Tank Size: The Aspidoras spilotus can thrive in a tank with a minimum capacity of 10 gallons. Larger tanks will provide more swimming space for the fish.
  • Substrate: Use a fine-grained substrate like sand or smooth gravel to allow the catfish to forage comfortably.
  • Plants and Decorations: Incorporate live or artificial plants, driftwood, and rocks to create hiding spots and add a natural aesthetic to the tank.
  • Open Swimming Area: Leave a clear open space in the center of the tank to allow the catfish to swim freely.

Tank Mates:

  • Peaceful Community Fish: The Aspidoras spilotus is a peaceful species that can be kept with other small, peaceful community fish such as tetras, rasboras, and small cichlids.
  • Compatibility Considerations: Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive, or fin-nipping fish that may cause stress or harm to the Aspidoras spilotus.

Feeding Habit:

  • Omnivorous Diet: The Aspidoras spilotus is an omnivore and will readily accept a variety of foods.
  • High-Quality Pellets: Offer high-quality sinking pellets specifically formulated for bottom-dwelling fish as the main staple.
  • Supplement with Live and Frozen Foods: Provide occasional live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to ensure a varied diet.


  • Water Parameters: Regularly test the water parameters to ensure they remain within the suitable range for the Aspidoras spilotus.
  • Partial Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes of around 25% every 1-2 weeks to maintain optimal water quality.
  • Tank Maintenance: Clean the tank and remove any uneaten food or debris to prevent water quality issues.
  • Monitoring Health: Observe the Aspidoras spilotus for any signs of disease, stress, or abnormalities.

Order the delightful Aspidoras spilotus today and enjoy the lively and charming presence it brings to your aquarium.

Aspidoras spilotus 2.2-2.8cm

SGD 13.20

Product Options



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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye

Suitable Tank Mates for Aspidoras spilotus 2.2-2.8cm

SGD 67.50
