Product Details

Eleocharis acicularis, commonly known as Mini Hair Grass, is a popular aquatic plant cherished for its fine and delicate appearance. This plant creates a lush carpet effect in the aquarium, adding beauty and a natural touch to the aquatic environment. Several fish species appreciate and thrive in the presence of Eleocharis acicularis. Let's explore some of the fish that love this plant:

  • Tetras: Many tetra species, such as Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras, and Rummy Nose Tetras, coexist harmoniously with Eleocharis acicularis. These small and peaceful fish enjoy swimming through the dense carpet of Mini Hair Grass, creating a visually captivating display.

  • Rasboras: Fish species like Harlequin Rasboras and Lambchop Rasboras find comfort and security in the dense growth of Eleocharis acicularis. The grass-like structure provides ample swimming space for them while mimicking their natural habitat.

  • Corydoras Catfish: Corydoras species, including Pygmy Corydoras and Panda Corydoras, appreciate the presence of Eleocharis acicularis. These bottom-dwelling catfish enjoy sifting through the carpeted substrate in search of food while benefiting from the cover and natural environment created by the plant.

  • Gouramis: Several gourami species, such as Dwarf Gouramis and Honey Gouramis, appreciate the presence of Eleocharis acicularis. These fish enjoy swimming in open spaces and utilizing the grassy carpet as a natural hiding place.

  • Betta Fish: Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, can coexist with Eleocharis acicularis. However, it's essential to ensure that the tank provides enough swimming space for the betta and that the plants are not too dense to limit their movement.

These fish species complement the natural aesthetic of Eleocharis acicularis and create a visually appealing underwater environment. Remember to consider the specific care requirements and compatibility of these fish species before adding them to your aquarium. Providing suitable water conditions, proper diet, and ample space will contribute to the health and well-being of both the fish and the Mini Hair Grass.

Eleocharis acicularis (Mini hair grass) in pots

SGD 2.00

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