Product Details

TCulture Marsilea hirsuta

If you're in search of an aquatic plant that adds a touch of natural beauty to your aquarium, look no further than Marsilea hirsuta. This lovely plant, also known as "Hairy Clover," is a popular choice among aquarists due to its delicate and intricate appearance. Not only does Marsilea hirsuta bring a touch of elegance to your underwater world, but it is also relatively easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists.

When it comes to water conditions, Marsilea hirsuta thrives in a wide range of parameters. It can adapt to both soft and hard water, with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. This plant prefers moderate lighting conditions, ranging from 2-4 watts per gallon. Although it can tolerate lower light levels, providing adequate lighting will encourage healthier and more robust growth. Maintaining a water temperature between 70-82°F (21-28°C) is ideal for promoting optimal growth.

Marsilea hirsuta is a versatile plant that can coexist with a variety of tank mates. It can peacefully share its space with most fish species and invertebrates. However, it is important to note that some herbivorous fish may nibble on its delicate foliage. To prevent damage, it is advisable to keep Marsilea hirsuta alongside non-herbivorous species or provide protective measures such as rock or driftwood barriers.

Feeding habits for Marsilea hirsuta are relatively simple. Like most aquatic plants, it obtains nutrients from both the water column and substrate. While it can derive essential nutrients from fish waste and decaying matter, supplementing with a liquid fertilizer or root tabs can promote healthier growth and vibrant green colors. Trimming any overgrown or damaged leaves is also necessary to maintain its overall appearance.

Caring for Marsilea hirsuta is straightforward. Providing adequate filtration and regular water changes are essential to maintain water quality. This plant benefits from a nutrient-rich substrate, such as clay or aquarium soil, as it encourages root development and enhances growth. Additionally, providing medium to strong water movement mimics its natural habitat and can prevent any debris or detritus from settling on its delicate foliage.

In conclusion, Marsilea hirsuta is a visually appealing and relatively low-maintenance aquatic plant that adds a touch of elegance to any aquarium. By providing it with the right water conditions, suitable tank mates, regular feeding, and proper care, you can enjoy the beauty and serenity that Marsilea hirsuta brings to your underwater oasis.

TCulture Marsilea hirsuta

SGD 10.00

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