Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


4cm - 5cm

Care Level




PH Level

5 - 8

Size: 4 cm
The Emerald Brochis Cory Catfish (Corydoras splendens) is a very popular species due to its peaceful disposition and metallic green coloration. It is very widespread in its native South American habitats and it grows to a larger size than many other Corydoras catfish. It is a very animated, distinctively marked schooling fish that is perfect for the community and planted aquarium.


The Emerald Brochis Cory Catfish is a very peaceful schooling fish that is compatible with most nano aquarium animals, including dwarf cichlids and angelfish. It might prey on dwarf shrimp, but is safe with larger shrimp and most other peaceful ornamental invertebrates. It is a classic scavenger and will inhabit and feed at the aquarium floor, which should be comprised of sand or smooth gravel. Very coarse substrate can damage its delicate barbels and underbelly, so it should be kept in an aquarium with sand or very smooth gravel substrate. This fish is otherwise undemanding as it will accept most dry,frozen, and live foods. It is adaptable to most tropical freshwater conditions as long as standard regular maintenance is performed and sudden changes are avoided.


What We Like About This Fish:
  • Very peaceful and hardy addition to almost any aquarium  
  • Compatible with peaceful invertebrates too large to be considered prey
  • Thrives in schools in well-planted aquaria
  • Distinctive coloration and group schooling behavior.
  • Grows to a larger size than many of its close relatives
  • Temperature:  68° - 82.4° F (20° - 28° C)
  • pH:  5.0 - 8.0.  Softer water is preferred, but this fish is somewhat flexible as long as sudden changes are avoided.
  • KH:  2 - 15 dKH
  • Minimum tank size:  55 gallons for a school of 6+ adults
  • Diet:  High-quality dry foods as well as live and frozen meaty foods. Variety is essential.
  • Social behavior:  Peaceful; requires a school of 6 or more to thrive. 
  • Origin:  Tank-Bred, but indigenous throughout South America
  • Average adult size:  2.8 - 3.2 inches (7 - 8 cm)
Please note that image is representative of species and not of actual product
Are you looking for a stunning and vibrant fish to enhance your aquarium? Look no further than the Corydoras Emerald Brochis. With its mesmerizing emerald green coloration and active nature, this species is a true gem in the world of catfish. Originating from the rivers of South America, the Emerald Brochis Corydoras showcases a unique and captivating appearance that is sure to captivate the eyes of aquarists. Get ready to experience the elegance and charm of the Corydoras Emerald Brochis as it becomes a stunning member of your aquatic family.
  • The Corydoras Emerald Brochis features a sleek and elongated body with a vibrant emerald green coloration.
  • Its body is adorned with subtle patterns and shimmer, adding a touch of elegance to its appearance.
  • The Emerald Brochis Corydoras has a rounded head and a pair of prominent barbels on its mouth, which it uses to navigate and search for food.
  • The Corydoras Emerald Brochis is an omnivorous fish that appreciates a varied diet.
  • Offer a balanced diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets or wafers specifically formulated for bottom-dwelling catfish.
  • Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
  • Feed them once or twice a day, providing only what they can consume within a few minutes.
  • Regular water testing and maintenance are crucial to ensure optimal water quality for the health and well-being of the Corydoras Emerald Brochis.
  • Provide ample hiding spots and structures in the tank to cater to their natural behavior and need for shelter.
  • Avoid keeping the Corydoras Emerald Brochis with aggressive or fin-nipping species to prevent any harm to their delicate fins.
Corydoras Emerald Brochis is a stunning and vibrant species that brings both beauty and companionship to any aquarium. With its emerald green coloration and peaceful nature, this catfish is sure to captivate the eyes of aquarists. Elevate the aesthetics of your aquatic family with the elegance and charm of the Corydoras Emerald Brochis!

Corydorus Emerald Brochis

SGD 7.76

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