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Product Details

7cm - 8.5cm

Size: 7-8.5cm
The L333 King Tiger Pleco (Hypancistrus sp.) is a member of the Loricariidae family of South American suckermouth catfishes. Its entire body is covered in black and white or yellow “maze-like” stripes, making it a very striking fish for the planted or nano aquarium. Like many plecos, the King Tiger Pleco has generally been a wild-caught species, but we are proud to be among the first stores to offer tank-raised juveniles at a much lower cost than wild-caught specimens!
A generally peaceful and hardy species, the King Tiger Pleco is an excellent, undemanding candidate for most aquariums. Unlike the widely-seen Common Pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus) and Trinidad Pleco (Hypostomus punctatus), which easily reach a monstrous size of 18 to 20+ inches (45 to 51+ cm), the King Tiger Pleco grows to a size of only 5.5 to 6.3 inches (8.9 to 10.7 cm). This smaller size makes for a much more manageable (and less messy) pleco that can thrive permanently in a well-maintained aquarium as small as 40 gallons. Male plecos may be somewhat territorial with other males of their species, but disputes can usually be diffused by providing ample territory and hiding places for each fish.
- Temperature: 79° - 86° F (26° - 30° C)
- pH: 5.5 - 7.5 (flexible as long as sudden changes are avoided)
- KH: 6 - 10 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 40 gallons
- Diet: Omnivorous, so a varied diet is necessary.
- Social behavior: Generally solitary, but will socialize somewhat, especially during breeding.
- Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America.
- Average adult size: 5 - 6 inches (13 - 15 cm)
Introducing the Pleco L333 (White King Tiger) - an exquisite and captivating addition to any aquarist's collection. With its regal appearance and stunning white and black tiger stripes, the White King Tiger Pleco is a true marvel of the aquarium world. Known for its rarity and striking coloration, this species commands attention and adds a touch of elegance to any tank. Experience the beauty and allure of the White King Tiger Pleco and make it the majestic centerpiece of your aquatic realm!
The White King Tiger Pleco features a striking pattern of white and black tiger stripes that cover its body, resembling the majestic beauty of its namesake.
Its body is elongated and streamlined, with a flattened shape and a large, round head.
The White King Tiger Pleco has a set of small, beady eyes and a mouth equipped with specialized suction-cup-like lips.
White King Tiger Pleco is an exquisite and highly coveted species that exudes elegance and beauty. With its stunning tiger stripes and peaceful demeanor, this pleco is sure to captivate the attention of all who observe it. Elevate your aquarium to new heights with the White King Tiger Pleco as the majestic centerpiece of your aquatic realm!
Pleco L333 (White King Tiger)
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