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Product Details


10cm - 18cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

The Snow Alligator Gar, also known as the Platinum Alligator Gar, is a unique and striking species of fish that belongs to the family Lepisosteidae. This fish is a variation or color morph of the commonly known Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula), a large predatory fish native to freshwater habitats in North and Central America.

The Snow Alligator Gar is named for its distinctive coloration, which is a beautiful and rare silvery-white or platinum color with a metallic sheen. This unique coloration sets it apart from the typical dark-colored Alligator Gar. As a result, the Snow Alligator Gar is highly sought after by fish enthusiasts for its rarity and captivating appearance.

Here is some information about the Snow Alligator Gar:


  • Silvery-White Coloration: The Snow Alligator Gar displays a stunning silvery-white color with a metallic sheen, making it visually captivating in the aquarium.
  • Size: Alligator Gars are known for their large size. In the wild, they can grow up to 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 meters) in length. However, in captivity, they are more commonly kept in large aquariums and can reach around 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 centimeters) in size.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain a tropical water temperature range between 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C).
  • pH Level: Aim for a neutral to slightly acidic pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Water Hardness: Provide moderately hard water with a hardness level between 8 and 12 dGH.

Tank Setup:

  • Large Aquarium: Due to their eventual size, the Snow Alligator Gar requires a spacious aquarium of at least 300 gallons (1135 liters) when fully grown.
  • Open Swimming Space: Provide ample open swimming space as these fish are active and need room to move.
  • Secure Lid: Alligator Gars are skilled jumpers, so a secure lid is essential to prevent them from escaping the tank.

Feeding Habit:

  • Carnivorous Diet: The Snow Alligator Gar is a carnivorous predator and feeds on various live and frozen foods.
  • Feeder Fish and Meaty Foods: Offer a diet consisting of feeder fish (e.g., goldfish, minnows), shrimp, worms, and other meaty foods.


  • Large Predator: The Snow Alligator Gar is a powerful predator and should be kept with caution, especially as it grows larger.
  • Solitary Species: Due to their aggressive nature, Alligator Gars are best kept alone or with other large, aggressive fish species.
  • Regular Water Quality Maintenance: Regular water changes and efficient filtration are necessary to maintain good water quality.

SF-6060 Platinum snow gar

SGD 1,225.00

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