Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


1cm - 7cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Elevate your aquarium with the L202 Pleco - a mesmerizing beauty that adds elegance to your underwater world!

Detailed Product Description:

Introducing the L202, a captivating and distinctive Plecostomus, also known as the Snowball Pleco, that will bring unique charm and allure to your aquarium. These remarkable catfish are known for their striking appearance and peaceful disposition, making them an essential choice for aquarists aiming to create an extraordinary aquatic experience. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about the L202 Pleco, from their water conditions and ideal tank mates to their feeding habits and care requirements.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain water temperature between 75-81°F (24-27°C) for their optimal health and comfort.
  • pH Level: Keep the pH level slightly acidic to neutral, ideally around 6.5-7.5.
  • Water Hardness: Aim for moderate water hardness with a dGH (general hardness) of 5-15.
  • Filtration: High-quality filtration is essential for maintaining water quality and clarity.

Tank Mates:

The L202 Pleco is known for its peaceful nature and is a good addition to a community aquarium. Compatible tank mates include:

  • Other Peaceful Fish: Combine them with various peaceful species like tetras, rasboras, gouramis, and other non-aggressive fish.
  • Bottom-Dwelling Fish: Other bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras catfish and Bristlenose Plecos can make suitable companions.
  • Non-Territorial Cichlids: Some non-territorial cichlid species can also coexist harmoniously.

Avoid keeping them with aggressive or territorial fish that might intimidate or harm the L202 Pleco.

Feeding Habits:

The L202 Pleco is primarily herbivorous and enjoys a diet that includes:

  • Algae: They have a strong preference for grazing on algae growing in the aquarium.
  • High-Quality Pellets: Offer them specialized herbivore or algae-based pellets as a staple food.
  • Blanched Vegetables: Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, and spinach.
  • Occasional Protein: Provide occasional protein sources such as high-quality sinking pellets or live/frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

Feed them once a day, ensuring they receive a well-rounded diet to maintain their health and vibrant coloration.


Proper care is essential to keep L202 Plecos healthy and thriving:

  • Tank Size: Provide a tank of at least 30 gallons to accommodate their size and need for hiding spots and territories.
  • Aquascape: Create an environment with caves, driftwood, and live plants to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Lighting: Keep lighting moderate to low, as it replicates their preferred dimly lit environments.
  • Water Quality: Regular water changes and efficient filtration are vital for maintaining pristine water conditions.
  • Observation: Monitor their health and behavior regularly to detect any issues promptly.

In conclusion, the L202 Pleco is a unique and captivating addition to your aquarium, bringing a touch of elegance and intrigue to your underwater world. With the right water conditions, compatible tank mates, a well-balanced diet, and diligent care, these catfish will thrive and add charm to your aquatic haven. Don't miss the opportunity to include these extraordinary creatures in your aquatic ecosystem!

L202 Shortlined Tiger

SGD 55.00

Product Options



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